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picture1_Basketball Powerpoint Template 80568 | Volleyball Ppt

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File: Basketball Powerpoint Template 80568 | Volleyball Ppt
history volleyball was created in 1985 by william g morgan an instructor at the ymca in holyhoke massachusetts he decided to blend elements of basketball baseball tennis and handball to ...

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...History volleyball was created in by william g morgan an instructor at the ymca holyhoke massachusetts he decided to blend elements of basketball baseball tennis and handball create what called mintonette as observers watched game they noticed that players were volleying ball back forth thus its name changed first played springfield college it became apparent official rules needed usvba united states association formed today both men women play professional more than million americans enjoy playing pare leisure time activity basic s c e ori rv n se t rotation v b i a o la on m y p server must serve from behind restraining line end may be served underhand or overhand clearly visible opponents before graze net drop other side for point is determined volley each subsequent shall previous loser returned bump only no setting attacking scoring rally will used there scored every score offense defensive miss out bounds hit defense offensive into points win r ot team rotate one position clockwi...

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