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picture1_Oxygen Cycle And Food Chain

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File: Oxygen Cycle And Food Chain
20 in 10 plants label a piece of paper 1 20 in addition to consumption plants serve other purposes as well come up with twenty items that you have used ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...In plants label a piece of paper addition to consumption serve other purposes as well come up with twenty items that you have used the last several weeks were made from or had plant products one ingredients food chain who loves eat what is your favorite knows has seen diagram before do know at basis are for all living things essential life on earth can be divided into three categories consumers not produce their own so must organisms energy producers like decomposers decaying matter dead and animals process they break them down decompose when happens release nutrients mineral salts back soil which then will by oxygen we breathe absorbed our blood cells it goes through body leftovers converted co carbon dioxide released provide...

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