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picture1_Perimeter Ppt 80158 | Ch06 Item Download 2022-09-07 12-35-03

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File: Perimeter Ppt 80158 | Ch06 Item Download 2022-09-07 12-35-03
the perimeter of a shape s1 s2 to compute the perimeter we need a function with s1 four equations 1 for each shape constructor the first three are easy perimeter ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The perimeter of a shape s to compute we need function with four equations for each constructor first three are easy float rectangle rttriangle sqrt polygon pts foldl sides this assumes that can lengths shouldn t be too difficult since distance between two points distbetween recursive def n v vs aux where vn but do better remove direct recursion as seasoned functional programmer might visualize what happening b c e d list vertices is distances pairs and these yes by zipping lists follows zip tail new version leads zipwith predefined just like except it applies its argument pair values example an ellipse there one remaining case given summation infinite series radii r p i...

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