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picture1_Digital Payment Ppt 80127 | E Payment

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File: Digital Payment Ppt 80127 | E Payment
e payment systems to transfer money over the internet methods of traditional payment check credit card or cash methods of electronic payment electronic cash software wallets smart cards and credit ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...E payment systems to transfer money over the internet methods of traditional check credit card or cash electronic software wallets smart cards and debit scrip is digital minted by third party organizations emtm requirements for payments atomicity not lost created during a good are exchanged atomically non repudiation no can deny its role in transaction signatures desirable properties universally accepted transferable electronically divisible forgeable stealable private one except parties know amount anonymous identify payer work off line on verification needed known system satisfies all types primary advantage with purchase items less than fees make small purchases unprofitable micropayments o costing...

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