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picture1_Food Fortification Ppt 80078 | Day3 Action Plan Uganda

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File: Food Fortification Ppt 80078 | Day3 Action Plan Uganda
key take aways automation of business processes along the value chain production weather soil pest disease systems extension finance insurance input subsidy systems e wallet post harvest value addition moisture ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Key take aways automation of business processes along the value chain production weather soil pest disease systems extension finance insurance input subsidy e wallet post harvest addition moisture humidity sensors processing bio fortification etc marketing market information warehouse receipt big data and machine learning mining to support future decision making capacity building role government is community based participation cooperatives case study local food system in wanju that encourages direct by locals beyond challenges agriculture uganda limited access markets knowledge modern practices such as assessments accurate remote sensing mapping technologies precision tools use improved irrigation fertilizer seed agrochemicals poor farmer organisation agricultural lack collateral secure financing high transaction costs accessing financial services on risk assessment dat solutions address challenge functionality integration solution linkages between producers produce buyers well a plat...

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