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picture1_Agreement Sample 79864 | 9f9a9889 Fcbe 4241 B6fb Fcc54161cfce

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File: Agreement Sample 79864 | 9f9a9889 Fcbe 4241 B6fb Fcc54161cfce
both the houses of the parliament had passed the bills to bring transformative changes in the lives of indian farmers the farmers produce trade and commerce promotion and facilitation act ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Both the houses of parliament had passed bills to bring transformative changes in lives indian farmers produce trade and commerce promotion facilitation act this will allow liberal provide more options for farmer sale their farming increased competition amongst buyers promote barrier free inter state intra thus facilitates sell at doorstep with remunerative prices empowerment protection agreement on price assurance farm services objective create an ecosystem where traders enjoy freedom choice purchase efficient transparent competitive outside physical premises apmcs or deemed markets notified under various agricultural market legislations emergence multiple channels it also a facilitative framework electronic trading legal competence falls within entry list i union constitution india though ii same is subject iii concurrent central government fully competent empowered legislate means foodstuffs including cereals like wheat rice other coarse grains pulses edible oilseeds oils vegetables...

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