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picture1_Digital Payment Ppt 79837 | Chandigarh 09062018

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File: Digital Payment Ppt 79837 | Chandigarh 09062018
what is digital payment payments using electronic means without involving any physical cash participants payment service operators banks wallets npci gateways card companies sender customer receiver merchant or shopkeeper regulator ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What is digital payment payments using electronic means without involving any physical cash participants service operators banks wallets npci gateways card companies sender customer receiver merchant or shopkeeper regulator rbi why for individual most convenient secure cost effective economy increased revenues and savings reduction of black money problem increases transparency promotes inclusive growth how changing lives getting replaced by no ques utility bills emergency banking income anytime access to account ask a farmer fruit cultivator simple cycle exampl e online shoppi ng modes imps...

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