relatedness of types consider the task of writing classes to represent 2d shapes such as circle rectangle and triangle there are certain attributes or operations that are common to all ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Relatedness of types consider the task writing classes to represent d shapes such as circle rectangle and triangle there are certain attributes or operations that common all perimeter distance around outside shape area amount space occupied by every has these but each computes them differently defined width w height h radius r side lengths a b c s where behavior let write with methods named we like be able client code treats different objects in same way insofar they share method prints any create an array could hold mixture various return other ve written make drawingpanel display many on screen interfaces interface list can promise implement inheritance gives you is relationship sharing lawyer object treated employee inherits give without analogous non programming idea roles certifications i m certified cpa accountant certification assures know how do taxes perform audits management consulting means sure compute my syntax declaration general public example vehicle double getspeed voi...