File: Activity Ppt 79679 | Kondisi Fisik Dan Program Latihan 2
fitness and health the word health is often associated only with physical fitness but there are other components of health fitness means readiness fit people are better equipped than non ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Fitness and health the word is often associated only with physical but there are other components of means readiness fit people better equipped than non level includes all aspects life it affects mental social what ability your body systems to work efficiently a person able carry out typical activities living such as still have enough energy vigor respond emergency situations enjoy leisure time activity exercise general term that sports dance done at or home walking climbing stairs mowing lawn when do especially for purpose getting we say they doing wellness benefits regular can much prevent disease illness help you look best proper nutrition good posture mechanics besides looking who feel on academic less depressed active results in which key being more things want allows be meet emergencies day demanding physically build turn provides many parts related skill helps perform well stay healthy require certain skills...