File: Ppt Games 79528 | Fantales Eurocall Ss Jbk Copyrightsave 1
storytelling in daily life sharing stories is one of the most common things we do with language fantales eu storytelling in daily life we use a range of linguistic resources ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Storytelling in daily life sharing stories is one of the most common things we do with language fantales eu use a range linguistic resources for reflecting our normal communicative habits order to achieve specific literary effects image by wikimedia user wikimaniac published under creative commons attribution share alike generic licence voices bodies space objects and technology project games fan fiction interactive multilinguali tele sm collaboratio n if an story where reader determines outcome events can be combination puzzle work text based game affordances l teaching learning reading interaction through information gap tasks ss each play side writing computational thinking using open authoring tools developing steam...