18 babii kajianpustaka a kajianpustaka 1 blue ocean strategy a pengertian blue ocean strategy the main statement about the blue ocean strategy is a way how companies can create uncontested ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Babii kajianpustaka a blue ocean strategy pengertian the main statement about is way how companies can create uncontested market space that makes competition irrelevant therefore kim and mauborgne rely on their study from where they analysed within industries over years reasoned two kinds of markets called red oceans existed in opinion but only were able to achieve true success stand for completely new undiscovered opportunities with value creations customer bases no demand created growth profitable rapid rules game are not set wide deep potential yet explored vast powerful terms infinite adalah cara bagaimana strategi perusahaan dapat menciptakan pasar yang tidak terbantahkan ruang membuat kompetisi relevan oleh karena itu dan mengandalkan studi mereka dari tahun di mana menganalisis dalam industri lebih beralasan bahwa dua jenis disebut samudera biru samudra merah ada pendapat tetapi hanya fatemeh abdi definitions frameworks advanced social humanities management vol iss may w c r val...