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picture1_Evolution Ppt 79134 | Us History 8th   Social Darwinism Jane Addams

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File: Evolution Ppt 79134 | Us History 8th Social Darwinism Jane Addams
social darwinism social darwinism a theory that takes charles darwin s theory of evolution and applies it to socio economics social darwinists disagreed with the progressives government should not interfere ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Social darwinism a theory that takes charles darwin s of evolution and applies it to socio economics darwinists disagreed with the progressives government should not interfere in aiding unions regulating factory conditions or private economic affairs laissez faire let do keep its hands off businesses economy as whole survival fittest wealthy are because they were most capable poor weak hypocrisy what is can you give some examples while darwinist didn t want business by wanted assist through low interest rate loans tax relief increased tariffs industrialists andrew carnegie john d rockefeller but believed tell me we learned about these two captains industry our last unit study jane addams was woman who charity hull house...

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