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picture1_Evolution Ppt 79153 | Lecture 10 Biohistory

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File: Evolution Ppt 79153 | Lecture 10 Biohistory
herbert spencer 1820 1903 a society in search of natural laws spencer designed an all embracing conception of evolution as the progressive development of the physical world biological organisms the ...

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...Herbert spencer a society in search of natural laws designed an all embracing conception evolution as the progressive development physical world biological organisms human mind well culture and societies before darwin his was based on two major principles continuity law thomas malthus utility again jeremy bentham expressed great longing for societal order basis nature this survival fittest which i have thus sciences here sought to express mechanical positivism terms is that mr has called true liberty nothing else than selection or preservation rational submission favoured races struggle life preponderance regard economic theories relies edition read by power population so superior earth produce subsistence man ongoing existence over according god directed reverend robert note term not from but who then used it later editions book s ideas also fitted another accepted social theory time utilitarianism principle greatest happiness measurable through measuring pain pleasure humans placed m...

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