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picture1_Evolution Ppt 79147 | Lecture8

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File: Evolution Ppt 79147 | Lecture8
evolution of mankind analysis of mitochondrial dna proposes that homo sapiens evolved from one group of homo erectus in africa african eve 100 000 200 000 years ago american indians ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Evolution of mankind analysis mitochondrial dna proposes that homo sapiens evolved from one group erectus in africa african eve years ago american indians i europeans ii asians africans adam appeared much earlier mechanisms is caused by mutations genes spread through the population via genetic drift and or natural selection if mutant gene produces an advantage new morphological character this feature will be inherited all descendant species mutational changes sequences substitution insertion thr tyr leu acc tat ttg ctg tct tac ttt gct g phe ala deletion inversion tgc tg atg cys met duplication recombination proteins occur ancestral globin hemoglobin myoglobin codon usage uuu ser ucu uau uuc ucc uac uua uca ugu uug ucg ugc frequencies different codons for same amino acid are bias translationary machinery tends to use abundant trna corresponding these highly expressed organism mutation pressure difference between rates gc at content organisms...

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