File: Quality Ppt 79100 | Ch09 Management Of Quality
learning objectives after this lecture students will be able to 1 define the term quality as it relates to products and as it relates to services 2 identify the determinants ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning objectives after this lecture students will be able to define the term quality as it relates products and services identify determinants of explain why is important consequences poor describe tqm use various tools mis basic operations management what in context banking mobile communication cars healthcare defining totality features characteristics a product or service that bears on its ability satisfy stated implied needs american society for different views user based better performance more manufacturing conformance standards making right first time specific measurable attributes consistently meet exceed customer expectations decade so was an focal point business while emphasis began fade other concerns took precedence there has been recent resurgence attention given experiences with costs adverse associated highly visible failures auto recalls toys produce dog food pharmaceuticals...