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picture1_Material Ppt 79073 | Fybms Fhs Chp 1 Fhs

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File: Material Ppt 79073 | Fybms Fhs Chp 1 Fhs
syllabus unit i understanding of human nature unit ii group behaviour unit iii organization culture unit iv organizational change and creativity prof muskan jeswani chapter 1 individual behaviour introduction of ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Syllabus unit i understanding of human nature ii group behaviour iii organization culture iv organizational change and creativity prof muskan jeswani chapter individual introduction differences significance difference inter intra factors affecting to is a topic general interest man social animal he always lives in society can survive alone without the family colleagues or friends person has be depended on others for satisfying his needs have ability get work done skill with understand motivate other people both individually groups e g through manager take maximum advantage from materials such as money technology raw material study deals personality attitudes intelligence thinking abilities values learning perception all individuals are not equal they differ each only physical characteristics but also behavioral qualitative quantitative ways science that studies these among known called differential psychology meaning means between which makes one unique s lets this an example persons t...

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