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picture1_Evolution Ppt 79063 | Naturalselectioninbirdsstewartwhite

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File: Evolution Ppt 79063 | Naturalselectioninbirdsstewartwhite
natural selection in birds classic textbook example darwin s finches at the very base of the theory of evolution by natural selection an excellent example of course over used on ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Natural selection in birds classic textbook example darwin s finches at the very base of theory evolution by an excellent course over used on origin species published alternate sympatric hawaii strong evolutionary pressure flower shape bill morphology i iwi bottom prevented from feeding ohias flowers dominant o top when extinct shifted foraging emphasis upper mandible has become shorter and less decurved short time smith et al revisited peter rosemary grant years daphne major island prolonged observation to medium ground finch geospiza fortis common cactus g scandens tagged c generations severe drought large seeds became more plentiful with bigger bills successful opening lasting effect size within period study mean body both differed markedly between song a learned culturally transmitted trait acted as barrier reproduction rare incidences misimprinting low levels gene flow increased genetic variation which...

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