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picture1_Behavior Ppt 78973 | Chapter 01

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File: Behavior Ppt 78973 | Chapter 01
slide 1 1 objectives for learning about organizational behavior describe the following competencies managing self managing communication managing diversity managing ethics managing across cultures managing teams managing change explain the ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Slide objectives for learning about organizational behavior describe the following competencies managing self communication diversity ethics across cultures teams change explain framework chapter organiz ational competency overall ability to assess your own strengths and weaknesses set pursue professional personal goals balance work life engage in new including or modified skills behaviors attitudes core abilities understanding personality perceiving appraising interpreting accurately related motivations emotions assessing establishing developmental taking responsibility yourself career five aspects of a success failure is best determined by individual no absolute evaluation standards exist examine subjectively objectively make decisions occupation activities attain consider cultural factors use all modes transmitting receiving ideas thoughts feelings verbal listening nonverbal written electronic like transferring exchanging information...

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