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picture1_Quality Ppt 78949 | Case Materials Tanzania 08 03

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File: Quality Ppt 78949 | Case Materials Tanzania 08 03
objectives at the end of the session the participants should be able to define qit and wit explain how to formulate qit and wit outline of the roles and responsibilities ...

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...Objectives at the end of session participants should be able to define qit and wit explain how formulate outline roles responsibilities identify s kaizen tqm implementation structure definition quality improvement team is a taking lead implement activities group multi skilled employee charged with improving processes or services include top middle management members coordinate initial planning work small staff that meets regularly solve problems relating their job scope workplace people working together achieve common goal for which they share responsibility on premise continuously going within organization have big role in qi programs including what happening some hospital many teams established by donor supported patient safety ipc can we manage sustain all under serious resource shortage tqif suggestions tanzania framework tqf chapter page it recommended health facility establish one oversee improve efficiency effectiveness constrain setting...

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