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picture1_Quality Ppt 78892 | Quality Culture C6

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File: Quality Ppt 78892 | Quality Culture C6
major topics understanding what a quality culture is quality culture vs traditional cultures activating cultural change changing leaders to activate cultural change laying the groundwork for a quality culture learning ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Major topics understanding what a quality culture is vs traditional cultures activating cultural change changing leaders to activate laying the groundwork for learning looks like countering resistance establishing maintaining understand one must first organizational an has following elements business improvement values role models rites rituals and customs transmitters value system that results in environment conducive establishment continual of organizations develop maintain will differ significantly from those with areas operating philosophy objectives management approach attitude towards customers problem solving supplier relationship performance attempt implementation total without creating invite failure several primary reasons either precede or at least parallel are can not occur hostile might be radically different accustomed moving takes time conversion positive rarely achieved short run it difficult overcome past employees remember earlier fads gimmicks characterize as being j...

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