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picture1_Evolution Ppt 78752 | 6 2018 12 16!09 39 38 Pm

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File: Evolution Ppt 78752 | 6 2018 12 16!09 39 38 Pm
animal behavior dr aqeel lami animal behavior defined as the activities animals perform during their lifetime these activities include locomotion feeding breeding capture of prey avoidance of predators and social ...

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...Animal behavior dr aqeel lami defined as the activities animals perform during their lifetime these include locomotion feeding breeding capture of prey avoidance predators and social send signals respond to or stimuli carry out maintenance make choices interact with one another ethology study in which evolution natural environment are important considerations leaders this approach have been konrad lorenz niko tinbergen karlvon frisch who were awarded nobel prize physiology ethologists observe variety environments closely related species order consider origin certain patterns behavioral ecology emphasize ecological aspects predator interactions foraging strategies reproductive habitat selection intraspecific interspecific competition topics interest ecologists sociobiology is it combines many sociobiologists importance on individuals living groups movement whether legs walking wings flying heads such honking peacock units same will produce pattern movements again different members also ...

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