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picture1_Aggression Ppt 78633 | Violence Risk Assessment

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File: Aggression Ppt 78633 | Violence Risk Assessment
risk assessment of aggression top factors the co occurrence of the following 3 factors significantly predict violence o substance use disorder o severe mental illness es o recent violence history ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Risk assessment of aggression top factors the co occurrence following significantly predict violence o substance use disorder severe mental illness es recent history these may help identify individuals who should undergo a more formal b predicts diagnosis percent that are violent in past year no mania or bipolar major depressive ocd schizophrenia panic alcohol abuse dependence cannabis other drug depression obsessive compulsive highest predictor considerations first psychotic episode patients commit some act before receiving treatment positive symptoms increase serious such as persecutory thoughts negative decrease social withdrawal quickly growing paranoid fear especially for life safety preoccupation with an energy burst delusions suspicious nature highly associated mostly like to be hurt caretakers among schizophrenic caregivers typically parents mothers tend outlive fathers also likely give unconditional love when asked if they will still their child he she commits brutal murder sa...

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