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picture1_Evolution Ppt 78627 | Ab01 2,2003

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File: Evolution Ppt 78627 | Ab01 2,2003
lecture outline lecture outline 1 introduction to course schedule 1 introduction to course schedule policies etc policies etc 2 four categories of questions 2 four categories of questions addressed in ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Lecture outline introduction to course schedule policies etc four categories of questions addressed in animal behavior studies origins as a field study the ethological approach review principles evolution methods key concepts ethology niko tinbergen what are mechanisms that cause how does particular develop within individual s lifetime is its survival value current working hypothesis it necessarily true why did evolve past origin evolutionary perspective primarily based wide range animals studied psychology mechanistic developmental lab focused on mammals change frequency alleles genotypes population over time generation adaptation phenotypic trait helps an survive reproduce genotype vs phenotype difference cont natural selection differential reproduction leads persistence those enable most effectively example antibiotic resistance tuberculosis bacterium only traits variable and inheritable subject rabbit camouflage where variability come from...

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