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picture1_Quality Ppt 78590 | 09newqualitytools

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File: Quality Ppt 78590 | 09newqualitytools
the seven new quality tools affinity diagrams interrelationship diagrams tree diagrams matrix diagrams matrix data analysis process decision program charts arrow diagrams relations to old tools similarities both are graphics ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The seven new quality tools affinity diagrams interrelationship tree matrix data analysis process decision program charts arrow relations to old similarities both are graphics rather than language based whole first then elements analyzed universal understanding pictures differences more relational and network oriented may take practice develop proficiency they can should be used together organizes a large amount of verbal related broad problem or subject ideas opinions facts usage example establishing qc policy steps gather number put individual on cards sticky notes as team group according natural relationship each other these groups become strategic factors diagram your has been brainstorming list incorporate into vision have come up with following an name factor low product maintenance production costs satisfied employees innovative features courteous order entry high return investment prices constant technology innovation quick delivery growth in shareholder value motivated teamwor...

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