File: Renewable Energy Ppt 78382 | Scenario Of Re In Wb
indian renewable energy scenario the energy scenario in india is a complex mix of a variety of energy sources including traditional fuels also called non commercial fuels such as firewood ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 05 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Indian renewable energy scenario the in india is a complex mix of variety sources including traditional fuels also called non commercial such as firewood agricultural wastes and animal have played significant role particularly rural areas critical analysis suggests that would continue to be net importer for long time which threat its security may import about oil coal gas requirements even then power generating capacity reach only mw indicating continuing shortages decades come study done office principal scientific adviser prime minister teri faces on an average shortage during peak hours morning evening almost our population deprived electricity till date each unit generated generation means emission grams carbon dioxide atmosphere contd if has maintain present projections gdp growth following will needed increase supply from million tones over tonnes six fold this enhance ghg green house gases level by manifold therefore efficiency application domestic industrial sectors imperative ...