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picture1_Physiotherapy Ppt 78219 | 1198059452 429 Ft0 Physiotherapy In Obstetrics  Gynaecology Moh Javed

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File: Physiotherapy Ppt 78219 | 1198059452 429 Ft0 Physiotherapy In Obstetrics Gynaecology Moh Javed
obstetrics concerns itself with pregnancy labour delivary the care of the mother after child birth gynaecology is the study of disease associated with women which in effect means condition involving ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 04 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Obstetrics concerns itself with pregnancy labour delivary the care of mother after child birth gynaecology is study disease associated women which in effect means condition involving female genital tract normal anatomy pelvis physiotherapy from moment conception profoundly alters physiology there change all body system to fulfill requirement therapeutic exercises may be prescribed pregnant for several reasons primary conditioning unrelated impairments related physiological changes such as back pain faulty posture or leg cramps physical benefits preventive measures during wt gain kg reproductive urinary kidney increases by cm pulmonary cvs...

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