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picture1_Performance Appraisal Presentation Ppt 78137 | Hrm10echap11

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File: Performance Appraisal Presentation Ppt 78137 | Hrm10echap11
learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives after you have read this chapter you should be able to distinguish between job criteria and performance standards and discuss criterion contamination ...

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...Learning objectives after you have read this chapter should be able to distinguish between job criteria and performance standards discuss criterion contamination deficiency identify two major uses of appraisal provide examples several rater errors describe both the advantages disadvantages multisource southwestern college publishing all rights reserved cont d nature behavioral approaches management by mbo concerns about feedback interviews characteristics a legal effective system identifying measuring employee processes used encourage measure evaluate improve reward what an does not do quantity output quality timeliness presence at work cooperativeness important elements in given linkage strategy outcomes organizational results figure types information trait based behavior...

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