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picture1_Corporate Social Responsibility Ppt 78054 | Chapter13powerpoint Final

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File: Corporate Social Responsibility Ppt 78054 | Chapter13powerpoint Final
discussion questions read preview business ethics insight on lego why does lego have such a strong reputation of csr activities why do other companies not follows successful efforts to reduce ...

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...Discussion questions read preview business ethics insight on lego why does have such a strong reputation of csr activities do other companies not follows successful efforts to reduce packing material reduced harmful emissions from its production facilities equivalent removing cars would you estimate that saves money by doing this or only enhances taylor francis brief history corporate responsibility social when go beyond the requirements running an economically viable within constraints law protect environment and enhance well being their stakeholders can be set in context adam smith s classical economic theory invisible hand control market forces where competition favors those who produce best products at prices as consumers also seek own self interest buying services cultural shift expectations for responsibilities civil rights consumerism environmentalism results these shifts many new legal equal employment opportunity product safety worker...

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