definition a non progressive non hereditary disorder of movements and posture occurring in a maturing brain main features include impairment of motor and posture function non progressive and nonhereditary present ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Definition a non progressive hereditary disorder of movements and posture occurring in maturing brain main features include impairment motor function nonhereditary present since birth or early childhood major symptoms are muscle rigidity dyskinesia hyperreflexia epidemiology global pediatric health challenge incidence per live births aetiology hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy neonatal sepsis meningitis abe kernicterus metabolic disorders seizures head injury intracranial hemorrhage preterm infantile cerebral malaria encephalitis trauma classifications topographic classification based on area predominant limbal deficits spastic types quad triplegia paraplegia diplegia monoplegia other choreo athetotic dyskinetic ataxic hypotonic...