Introduction to Design and Home Decorating What is your design style? Contemporar Coastal Modern y Brief History of Design Early Egypt: Interior design dates back to ancient times, as people have decorated as long as they have had houses. The first signs of purposeful interior design were evidenced in the lavishly decorated Egyptian tombs. Romans also carefully arranged their rooms based on the function of the room and the time of year. In the summer they used rooms that took advantage of breezes, and different rooms in the winter that gave extra protection from the cold. Renaissance: During the Italian ...
Prehistory to Early Civilizations Dolmens and Barrows Stone Henge, England – used for ceremonies or rituals connected with observation of astronomical movements 2750-1500 BCE Dolmens – linked to burial rites Barrow – large stone placed on top of two or three upright stones covered with earth form a kind of tomb Lack of houses surviving is due to Usage of less lasting materials People were generally migratory – portable and light materials were used History of Interior Design Sofia 2 Sebastian Prehistory to Early Civilizations Evidence from tribal cultures The native American tepee was a round, portable Terra Amata structure ...