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picture1_Network Ppt Repost 77817 | Network Topologies

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File: Network Ppt Repost 77817 | Network Topologies
network topologies network topologies there are three basic configurations used to connect computers they are the bus ring star bus topology bus topology this type of network was widely used ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Network topologies there are three basic configurations used to connect computers they the bus ring star topology this type of was widely in s configuration every computer node shares networks total capacities adding more will reduce access speed on each communicates other independently is referred as peer networking how a works all have distinct address just like your house does message would be send from one with another attached broadcasted until addressed pc accepts advantages well for small relatively inexpensive implement easy add it problems main that not very fault tolerant break or defect affect whole management costs can high...

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