networks 2 is a digital telecommunications network allows nodes to share resources in computer networks exchange data with each other using a data link the connections between nodes are established ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Networks is a digital telecommunications network allows nodes to share resources in computer exchange data with each other using link the connections between are established either cable media or wireless devices that originate route and terminate called can include hosts such as personal computers phones servers well networking hardware basic concepts of advanced computing techniques mrs mullai support an enormous number applications services world wide web video audio shared use application storage printers fax machines email instant messaging etc differ transmission medium used carry their signals communications protocols organize traffic s size topology organizational intent best known internet designing developing building software systems processing structuring managing various kinds information doing scientific research on making behave intelligently creating entertainment pervasive ubiqutious growing trend embedding computational capability generally form microprocessors everyd...