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picture1_Analysis Ppt Repost 77695 | Bkamber Presentationaugust2010

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File: Analysis Ppt Repost 77695 | Bkamber Presentationaugust2010
drivers behind geo and cosmochemical analysis desire to analyze sub nanogram quantities of implanted solar wind returned cometary material dust in antarctic ice etc analytic equipment sims secondary ion mass ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Drivers behind geo and cosmochemical analysis desire to analyze sub nanogram quantities of implanted solar wind returned cometary material dust in antarctic ice etc analytic equipment sims secondary ion mass spectrometer pros ideal for situ quasi non destructive high spatial resolution some elements ppt detection limits cons sample ultra vacuum requires perfect surface matrix effects slow icp ms inductively coupled plasma ppq can work or digests samples at atmospheric p insensitive fast relatively inexpensive more than prone blank contamination during preparation may require elemental pre concentration solution instrumental sensitivity cps ppb limit consumed grams absolute detected femtograms g dilution factor solid ratio hence only mg translates minimum detectable nanograms...

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