topics to be discussed 1 introduction 1 relaxation times t t 1 2 2 theory of nmr 3 carr purcell sequence for t2 measurement 2 experimental setup 3 analysis and ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Topics to be discussed introduction relaxation times t theory of nmr carr purcell sequence for measurement experimental setup analysis and results processing data as function viscosity impurities sources error possible improvements conclusions more microscopic interaction faster verify bloembergen s inverse law relationship in current research modern applications quantum mechanics e g computing limited by time is the timescale which system remains under coherent control experimenter investigate dynamics spin ensemble prototype phenomenon image source b jo et al phys rev lett manipulation standard technique strong bias field gauss small oscillating at w larmor freq l macroscopic hamiltonian hb static precession magnetic moment can manipulate vector via proper pulsing q hu paper on general reasons loss transverse magnetization without collapse axis interactions dip r inhomogeneity diffusion spins through volume hmicro hmacro intuition viscous should lead...