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picture1_Macronutrients Ppt 77285 | Lecture 11

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File: Macronutrients Ppt 77285 | Lecture 11
biotechnolgical approaches in plant breeding biotechnology is the age old technology of using biological tools for the th improvement of human life the 20 century witnessed tremendous advancements in different ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Biotechnolgical approaches in plant breeding biotechnology is the age old technology of using biological tools for th improvement human life century witnessed tremendous advancements different areas like microbial genetic engineering and vitro culture molecular genetics have contributed new unique techniques to applications culturing cells tissues organs under aseptic laboratory conditions media medium generally contains macronutrients other supplementary materials micronutrients necessary growth vitamins amino acids carbohydrates regulators parts known as explants are cultured nutrient may be roots cotyledons leaves shoots apices nodal segments anthers embryos etc surface sterilized with disinfectants sodium hypochlorite or mercuric chloride washed sterile water at usually depending upon nature explant hormonal combination development callus an undifferentiated mass tissue direct plantlets from takes place within weeks subcultured after every made differentiate produce shoot system ro...

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