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picture1_Network Ppt 77018 | 474 Ch1 Protocols

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File: Network Ppt 77018 | 474 Ch1 Protocols
protocol suites and layering models defn protocols are agreements about how communication should take place they specify format of messages meaning of messages rules for exchanging messages procedures for handling ...

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...Protocol suites and layering models defn protocols are agreements about how communication should take place they specify format of messages meaning rules for exchanging procedures handling problems network hardware functions at a very low level related can occur that need to be addressed by bits corrupted or destroyed entire packets lost duplicated delivered out order also used distinguish among multiple computers on applications computer copies single application sets designed work together each solves small part the communications problem known as families in layers design divided into layer is devoted one sub example iso international standards organization osi open system interconnection reference model was defined fairly early development networks now somewhat dated does not include internet physical session underlying login passwords data link media access presentation frame definitions representation packet forwarding individual programs transport reliability software follows wi...

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