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picture1_Network Ppt 77011 | Adhoc Routing Protocols

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File: Network Ppt 77011 | Adhoc Routing Protocols
outline ad hoc networks ad hoc routing algorithms ad hoc on demand distance vector routing aodv dynamic source routing dsr comparison of aodv and dsr ad hoc networks wireless networks ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Outline ad hoc networks routing algorithms on demand distance vector aodv dynamic source dsr comparison of and wireless can be divided in two fundamental categories infrastructure based clients connecting to a base station aps cell towers that provides all the traditional network services address assignment less themselves must provide each other main features decentralized do not rely preexisting node participates by forwarding data neighbor nodes fast topology changes due movement why we need more laptop users smartphones e g android phones iphones devices with wi fi support televisions hi home theaters media servers etc moving vehicles outdoors places these occasions there is no centralized such so necessity an...

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