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picture1_Network Ppt 76978 | Is1075   Introduction

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File: Network Ppt 76978 | Is1075 Introduction
contact information instructor amir amirreza masoumzadeh web http www sis pitt edu amirreza email amirreza at sis pitt edu please include is1075 in the subject nd 410 is bldg lersais ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Contact information instructor amir amirreza masoumzadeh web http www sis pitt edu email at please include is in the subject nd bldg lersais cubicle on your right office hours tuesdays pm by appointment gsa tba course overview deals with security issues related to network common attacks originating from prevention and detection of perimeter monitoring etc protocols for enhancing e g cryptographic assessment response more details dos ddos worms masquerading enumeration cryptography ipsec ssl tls pgp wireless packet filters stateful firewalls proxy ids ips sniffers logging tools prerequisites infsci introduction telecom networks good knowledge tcp ip will be quickly reviewed but you should feel comfortable basics mac algebra digital logic modulo operation xor understand encryption schemes programming probably won t do much textbooks references complete reference roberta bragg et al mcgraw hill osborne media november isbn principles practice ed or william stallings prentice hall optional ...

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