goals of class basic understanding of common modern networking technology and terminology what makes stanford s network special this class is reduced from a 9 hour class to a 90 ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Goals of class basic understanding common modern networking technology and terminology what makes stanford s network special this is reduced from a hour to minute the old outdated presentation can be found at https www edu group netconsult intronet not deep server administration setting up your computer how use email web etc troubleshooting another tech briefing tcp ip details way get stuff between or more things examples mail phone system conversations railroad highways roads models also called protocol stacks represented in layers help understand where go right wrong osi layer model dod simplified application session transport data local physical lan open systems interconnection mnemonic all people seem need processing if you ever take test on ll have now otherwise concepts protocols are sets rules do want going addressing there media types did acknowledgments error checking...