unit structure 1 0 objectives 1 1 introduction 1 2 data information 1 3 data communication 1 3 1 characteristics of data communication 1 3 2 components of data communication ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Unit structure objectives introduction data information communication characteristics of components representation flow simplex half duplex full computer network categories a protocol elements standards in networking concept standard organizations field references introduce the readers to and its fundamentals define networks protocols this lecture provides an covers fundamental topics like definition main objective is enable seamless exchange between any two points world takes place over refers raw facts that are collected while processed enables us take decisions ex when result particular test declared it contains all students you find marks have scored lets know whether passed or failed word which presented form agreed accepted upon by creators users process exchanging case done devices transmission medium effectiveness communications system depends following four delivery should be delivered correct destination user accuracy deliver accurately without introducing errors may get corr...