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picture1_Network Ppt 76849 | 01 Intro

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File: Network Ppt 76849 | 01 Intro
outline administrivia layering 2 dramatis personae professor randy h katz web http www cs berkeley edu randy facebook http berkeley facebook com people randy howard katz 1241523 email randy cs ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Outline administrivia layering dramatis personae professor randy h katz web http www cs berkeley edu facebook com people howard email office hours tu w soda hall sorry no teaching assistant course info courses f blog cscomputernetworking blogspot group php gid goals and objectives understand state of the art in network protocols architectures applications process networking research typical constraints thought processes used different from undergraduate eecs i e training programmers vs researchers when thinking about look for what is so obvious to everyone else that it s longer on their radar put yours seek uncover assumptions implicit they are being questioned question them rodney brooks co director csail mit particularly relevant advice current architecture decisons appropriate wireless networks sensor real time enterprise datacenter etc page check regularly schedule reading list lecture notes announcements project ideas exams...

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