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picture1_Cycle Ppt 76803 | Chapeter 3

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File: Cycle Ppt 76803 | Chapeter 3
chapter 3 data and signals analog and digital analog and digital to be transmitted data must be transformed to electromagnetic signals data can be analog or digital analog data are ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter data and signals analog digital to be transmitted must transformed electromagnetic can or are continuous take values have discrete states also an infinite number of in a range only limited both signal periodic non completes pattern within measurable time frame called period repeats the over subsequent identical completion full is cycle communications we commonly use nonperiodic classified as simple composite sine wave cannot decomposed into simpler composed multiple waves most fundamental form represented by three parameters peak amplitude frequency phase figure two with same but different amplitudes power your house v inverse each other rate change respect short span means high long low...

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