the common agricultural policy cap the common agricultural policy cap had emerged from over a decade of severe food shortages during and after world war ii near famine conditions in ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The common agricultural policy cap had emerged from over a decade of severe food shortages during and after world war ii near famine conditions in much postwar europe made security s national priority is often explained as result political compromise between france germany german industry would have access to french market exchange help pay for farmers wanted shift cost subsidizing large unproductive sector european level creation was proposed by commission mechanisms were adopted six founding member states came into force general objectives ncrease productivity ensure fair standard living stabilize markets gurantee regular supplies reasonable prices consumers three major principles been established guide singe products should be able move freely throughout ec b community preference given that other countries c financial solidarity borne budget than individual basic elements target price wide guaranteed minimum particular commodity or product intervention at which specially designated ...