sustainable agriculture the practice of farming using principles of ecology the study of relationships between organisms and their environment it has been defined as an integrated system of plant and ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sustainable agriculture the practice of farming using principles ecology study relationships between organisms and their environment it has been defined as an integrated system plant animal production practices having a site specific application that will last over long term satisfy human food fiber needs enhance environmental quality natural resource base upon which agricultural economy depends make most efficient use non renewable resources on farm integrate where appropriate biological cycles controls sustain economic viability operations life for farmers society whole integrates three main goals health profitability social equity bank esa refers to can be maintained without harming environmentally should bearable equitable viable farmer produce best consumer nurture preserve energy ecological economics is interdependence economies ecosystems treats subsystem ecosystem with emphasis preserving capital recognizes systems cannot exist independently from there market premium if success...