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picture1_Agriculture Ppt 76430 | Nonvide Aec 2016 Presentation

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File: Agriculture Ppt 76430 | Nonvide Aec 2016 Presentation
outline of presentation motivation of the study survey design methods of analysis factors affecting the decision to adopt irrigation effect of adoption of irrigation on rice yield conclusion policy recommendation ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Outline of presentation motivation the study survey design methods analysis factors affecting decision to adopt irrigation effect adoption on rice yield conclusion policy recommendation agriculture major source livelihood for about active population in benin is handicapped by climate change and weather variability irrigated considered as one practices controlling effects crop fao carruthers et al iwmi domenech consistent with this has developed several canal schemes since aim improve food production especially however objective be self sufficient was not met national far below target mt needed sufficiency increases often driven an increase harvested area correlation coefficient arable land cannot increased indefinitely alternative contributes productivity improvement through reduced loss multiple cropping expansion lipton hussain hanjra paper interest focused following important question what informs farmers how does contribute general identify that influence its...

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