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picture1_Network Ppt 76385 | Lec3 Part1 1 0 0

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File: Network Ppt 76385 | Lec3 Part1 1 0 0
objectives to discuss the osi model and its layer architecture and to show the interface between the layers to briefly discuss the functions of each layer in the osi model ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives to discuss the osi model and its layer architecture show interface between layers briefly functions of each in introduce tcp ip protocol suite compare with ones functionality some examples addressing mechanism used for delivery a message from source destination computer network components nic pcs laptops handhelds routers switches router ethernet switch links transmission media wired wireless protocols csma cd ca applications services i e operating system nos humans service agents fatimah alakeel networks are complex question many pieces is there any hope organizing hosts structure various or at least our discussion hardware software introduction organization air travel ticket purchase complain baggage check claim gates load unload runway takeof landing airplane routing series steps layering airline gate takeoff land departure intermediate traffic arrival airport control centers implements via own internal actions relying on provided by below...

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