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picture1_Basic Networking Concepts Ppt 76359 | Course Intro

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File: Basic Networking Concepts Ppt 76359 | Course Intro
course objectives course objectives learn how the internet works foundational conceptual knowledge assume some basic familiarity basic networking concepts baseline idea of main internet entities ip tcp extend knowledge applicability ...

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...Course objectives learn how the internet works foundational conceptual knowledge assume some basic familiarity networking concepts baseline idea of main entities ip tcp extend applicability depth more examine experiment with substantiate all answers prior breadth about protocols capabilities limitations architectural issues possible evolution copyright fall rudra dutta ncsu scope protocol descriptions and socket programming only briefly as preliminaries building blocks focus on investigation by doing rfc reading paper will not address important relevant topics in any detail queuing models or other analytical results simulation performance questions background you need to understand ece csc equivalent be conservative estimating able program comfortable c familiar unity vcl fly goal graduate study instructional mode self guided inquiry driven group based no typical lectures except a few introductory overarching archived video available for catch up descriptive question list provided feel...

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