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picture1_Network Ppt 76357 | Week 14 Networking Fundamentals Session 2 Class X It(402)

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File: Network Ppt 76357 | Week 14 Networking Fundamentals Session 2 Class X It(402)
concepts of networking a computer network is a collection of computers and other hardware components interconnected by communication channels cables or satellites that allow sharing of resources and information networks ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Concepts of networking a computer network is collection computers and other hardware components interconnected by communication channels cables or satellites that allow sharing resources information networks are designed using the following architecture peer to pp client server web application basic in which all have an equal status called generally such each terminal has equally competent cpu certain special dedicated tasks providing services s provide servers ones use these clients types there two major local area lan wide wan one connects devices limited geographical as home school laboratory office building closely positioned group buildings usually offer very high speeds used for connecting peripherals printers scanners etc covers broad i e any links across metropolitan regional national boundaries internet most popular businesses governments non profit organizations individual consumers artists entertainers many others global system standard protocol suite serve billions users wo...

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