objectives objectives exam objective matrix technology skill covered exam objective exam objective number network interface cards classify how applications devices 1 2 and protocols relate to the osi model layers ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives exam objective matrix technology skill covered number network interface cards classify how applications devices and protocols relate to the osi model layers nic modems media converters categorize standard types associated properties singlemode fiber ethernet multimode coaxial repeaters hubs hub bridges switches switch multilayer bridge explain purpose of routing switching spanning tree protocol vlan q port mirroring given a scenario install configure routers trunking managed vs unmanaged poe diagnostics vtp configuration channel service unit data identify components wiring csu dsu distribution firewalls router basic firewall software hardware rules block allow implicit deny acl servers summarize dns concepts its records mx aaaa cname ptr dynamic dhcp static ip addressing reservations scopes leases options suffixes features various appliances proxy server additional specialized encryption load balancer different security methods ids ips behavior based signature wireless compa...