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picture1_Network Ppt 76270 | Netfund Ppt 2 A

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File: Network Ppt 76270 | Netfund Ppt 2 A
lesson 1 2 a lesson 1 2 a 98 366 networking fundamentals lesson overview in this lesson you will learn about lans perimeter networks addressing local loopback ips an internet ...

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...Lesson a networking fundamentals overview in this you will learn about lans perimeter networks addressing local loopback ips an internet collection anticipatory set class activity two students draw slip of paper from the box arrange yourselves order at front room more select numbers and add to network forming student with number tell secret continue pass information one next until message reaches end when last person receives repeat it describe how process is similar different computer passing throughout just as people talk each other spread computers can share area ranging size home few single office hundreds or even thousands devices across several buildings they function link together provide shared access printers file servers services group dispersed over relatively limited connected by communications that enables any device interact on commonly include pcs resources such laser large hard disks lan are known nodes individual pieces equipment o wireless cables through which message...

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